New Year Midnight Service - December 31st 2017 - 5th annual - Starting the new year off just-right is important. We gather at 10:00pm for social-time and have our service at 10:30pm-12:00 Midnight. Traditionally we ring the bell 108 times to let go of the 108 impediments to enlightenment - and/or to welcome the 108 Joys Abiding. Temple bells all over the world ring out this message. Tsurunokai Taiko drums will ring out as well as other musical selections from Jim Eaglesmith. We invite friends from other faiths to participate with a message of renewal and hope for the new year with a Multi-Faith New Year's Service. Guest leaders from Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Native American, and Baha'i faiths to participate with brief thoughts "On Gratitude".