RBC Golden Light Meditation
Thursday - 6:00 - 7:00pm We present traditional meditation techniques of sitting and walking meditation with clear intention. All levels of experience are welcome at the in person meeting. Please enter the meditation space quietly to help create a peaceful environment. There will be times for interaction as indicated by the meditation leader. A normal session consists of an invocation, a 20 minute Mindfulness sitting, followed by a shorter walking meditation and then a second sitting - tea and question time will follow. Please understand that in our Shin Buddhist tradition we teach and practice meditation as a healthful centering activity. We consider it spiritually neutral and not a process of “perfecting the individual”. You are already ok, just as you are. Dana [donation] is encouraged as is customary at any meditation hall. Please help support our center. Golden Light Meditation Guide |
Beginners Mindfulness
Service Sunday - 9:00 - 9:45am In this introductory session we present traditional meditation techniques of sitting meditation with clear intention. We teach and practice meditation as a healthful centering activity. We consider it spiritually helpful but not a process of “perfecting the individual”. You are already ok, just as you are. We’re sure you know that donations are customary at a meditation hall. The Buddha recommended - when things get difficult in life - “return to the breath”. We will turn our attention to the breath. Calming and relaxing the body and breath, we breathe in and we breathe out. Go gently and easily on yourself. You are just beginning. So it is best to count breaths during sitting meditation. We count like this: The first breath felt is counted at the end of the inhalation as "one"; the second as "two"; the third as " three"; If you lose track begin again. In time you will not lose the count very often. Just counting is not meditation, but the counting is an essential aid to meditation. At first we may think we are meditating while our monkey mind runs here and there. Counting is an easy method to control the wandering. If a person fixes the mind well on meditation, they can maintain counting correctly. If the mind runs in all directions, and we lose count, we can realize that the mind has wandered. Go gently and easily on yourself. You are just starting, return to peacefully counting breaths. Meditation session - Settle in and feel the resonance of the ringing bell. As it declines, settle into your posture. The ringing bell signals the beginning of the meditation session. Begin guided meditation on awareness of breath and body. Ever mindful, ever vigilant we breathe in, and we breathe out, thus we train ourselves. We will now sit quietly for a few minutes. Questions and Answers time? Dedication of practice - We dedicate any merit or virtue created through this wholesome practice to help all beings awaken the spark, the spirit to seek enlightenment, and live a life of peace and harmony. |